Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Apple Pie Biology

I went to AP Bio today with a big smile on my face and a nutsack full of hope. I get in there and I ask Tyler if he figured out the extra credit. He then said,"Why, yes, I believe i did." Well, Mr. Lux started talking and then I raised my hand and told him all about how I figured the extra credit out. He just stood there staring at me like I was some kind of stupid idiot. I showed him, I showed them all. I walked up there and put my paper on his desk. He picked up my paper, and after trying to figure out what I had done with all of the scribblies and circles, he figured it out and then he looked up and asked me how long it took me. I told him I spent about five minutes on it, and that it wasn't even that long, because I was watching South Park at the same time. He asked me if it was the Wall-mart episode. I told him it was actually the one where Cartman joins NAMBLA. He said, "Ah, yes." Anyway, I was totally correct with my calculations and got the bonus points, but I'm pretty sure I'm still failing and I won't be able to graduate. Wes tried to turn his in after I turned mine in and Mr. Lux looked at it and said, "What the fuck is this! I hate you Wes! I can't give you shit for this! Fuck you, Wes!" Well, I guess Wes didn't do too well with that one. Tyler told me later that he couldn't even figure it out on his own and Mr. Lux had to help him with it. That means I'm the smartest and most clever individual in my AP Bio class. Nice moth, Zack Attack, you bitch. I like it when you vote, bitch! Polly kept feeling my titties after school today. First swim meet. I'm gonna eat a bunch of food before I swim. Hail to the theif!

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