Sunday, May 20, 2007

Long Time, No Shit

I haven't written in here for awhiles, because I don't use my computer for anything but a CD player these days. Writing would be much easier to do if Nintendo would release a goddamn Wiiboard. Anyway, I hope one of these places give me a job, because I'm bored as shit and ready to move on.

I want someone to teach me how to sail.

If there was more time, I would be more happy with time wasted, but this isn't the case.

Shelbyville's library sucks balls.

Stefan and I went to Chicago with his dad the other day. It was my first time there, and it was good. The weather wasn't that great, yet I felt as though it was great enough. Make sense?
So we took the tour and took his dad to the airport. We got back to town and . . .

that's all.

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