Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Brad's Graduation

It's on the 26th. The whole thing starts at 2pm.

If you need help finding the place, you can always go here.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Long Time, No Shit

I haven't written in here for awhiles, because I don't use my computer for anything but a CD player these days. Writing would be much easier to do if Nintendo would release a goddamn Wiiboard. Anyway, I hope one of these places give me a job, because I'm bored as shit and ready to move on.

I want someone to teach me how to sail.

If there was more time, I would be more happy with time wasted, but this isn't the case.

Shelbyville's library sucks balls.

Stefan and I went to Chicago with his dad the other day. It was my first time there, and it was good. The weather wasn't that great, yet I felt as though it was great enough. Make sense?
So we took the tour and took his dad to the airport. We got back to town and . . .

that's all.
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