Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jim Peck

axe body wash, how dirty boys get clean, i'm in the shower.

I finished reading Johnny Got His Gun this morning. It was a lot better than I had expected. It was really good, and now it's one of my many favorites, and I like it. It's Sean Hudson's, and now I need to give it back to him and talk to him about it.

I just read The Wizard of Oz. I've wanted to read it ever since read The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass. It was good, but a lot shorter than I expected and would have liked. I learned a great deal from it and am looking forward to reading the others.

I started reading My Ishmael again, and I need to keep on that, and I need to play some Final Fantasy IX.

Are you supposed to italicize video game titles?

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