Friday, December 02, 2005

I'm Hungry, and Home Alone 2 is On

I guess I'm just tired.

I think I might have a phobia of doing serious things in English. Because I just can't seem to take it serious. Ever.

I've had this assignment for like three weeks. I've been meaning to do it seriously all this week, but I spent most of that time sitting in front of my computer, dreading having to do it. So I started working on it about three hours before it was due. And it wasn't serious at all. And I loved it. When I delivered it to my teacher, I took off in a hurry, so I wouldn't be there after he saw how funny it was. It was cold outside. I have a hole in my shoe. My toes got numb. I'm satisfied with that. As long as I pass the class.

Then I went Holiday caroling for the dying children with my agnostic church group.

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