Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fuck Ozma

I spent around three hours fighting the fucker tonight, but I just can't seem to get him. I can get close, but that's when he decides to kill me on the spot. Fuck. I don't know. I guess I'll have to change my strategy. I'll try again tomorrow.

I added a new commercial to my Intendo Games blog. It's a good one.

Stefan was here for Fall Breaks, so we hung out most of the time.

We made a get well soon card for Rob, and we put it in his yard for everyone to see.

I hope he is feeling better.

I kinda hurt my arm again while I was doing pull-ups, so I failed when I tried to get my bicepts in. But I'm pretty much kicking ass at racquetball, so who the fuck?

I wrote a funny-as-fuck one-and-a-half-page four-page paper for my poetry class. It'd probably be too far over you guys' head, so I'll let you imagine.

Bitch is crazy--keep on dreaming.

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