Monday, October 30, 2006

Home Alone

The title really says it all.

My whole family is home alone.

I got a call last yesterday. I didn't recognize the number, but I was somewhat interested in finding out who would want to call me. It was Gamestop lady. Joe told me her Final Fantasy VII name, but I can't pull it up at the moment. She invited me to a party that starts at eleven o'clock tonight. I get to pick up my new game Final Fantasy XII at twelve o'clock while I'm at the party. Wow. She sure is nice.

I didn't sleep last night. I was up half the night reading The Count of Monte Cristo and the other half was spent trying to convince myself I wasn't M. Danglars and to stop worrying about my money woes.

I eventually made it out of bed and to school. My classes were cool, until the between era, where I started to feel bad in the tummy area. I actually felt bad in comparative religions, but I couldn't bring myself to unleash the fury of toxins that had built up in my colon. I decided on my break that I would not be attending my favorite class, poetry for Blaire, at the end of the day. I went to my folklore class and while conversing with others of the advantages of having a PENIS PULL/POLE/IDON'TKNOWWHATWEWEREREALLYTALKINGABOUT,ITWASMORELIKEWEWEREJUSTHAVINGFUNWITHAMADEUPWORD, I completely forgot about my pains.

I came home just the same, and with many hours left before the party, I am sure I will have the last 70 pages read in no time.

I like the new features, especially the page building thing. The only thing I don't like about it is the template change. The template is way off now and they use secret codes to keep me from doing it myself. Oh well. I figured it out once; I'll figure it out again.

Fucking Google AdSense just shows links to online survey stuff. Whatever. It's a party.

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