Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I Broke the Damn

A - Age - 18

B - Band listening to right now - Panic! At the Disco

C - Crush - Julia

D - Dad's name - Brentie

E - Easiest person to talk to - Girl Person

F - Favorite ice cream - Cafeteria

G - Gummy worms or gummy bears - Gummy worms make my anus itch.

H - Hometown - Shelbyville

I - Instruments - Well, I used to pretty much kick as at piano, but then I quit that shit. Then I was first chair alto sax for a while, and I quit. Then I was okay with a guitar, but I got tired of tuning it.

J - Junior high - Shelbyville Middle School

K - Kids - Medium-rare

L - Longest car ride ever - I don't know. There have been plenty of long ones. Probably about 10 inches.

M - Moms Name - Dawn Noel

N - Nickname[s] - Bleward, Sean Hudson, Krista, Dipshit

O - One wish - To be God.

P - Phobia[s] - Death, big groups of people not looking at me, being alone

Q - Quote - "I'm frozen, and you're dead. And I love you."

R - Reason to smile - No reason.

S - Song you sang last - We Hate Rebecca

T - Time you woke up today- Well, 4:07 a.m.

U - Unknown fact about me - I enjoy long walks on the water.

V - Vegetable[s] you hate - Vaginal secretions.

W - Worst habit - Masturbation

X - X-rays you've had - Head

Y - Years since you've been to church - One? Two? Somewhere thereabouts.

Z - Zodiac sign - AIDS

1 comment:

BrandonMeganDuchvony said...

Hey! That was my text message! But it was wasted! Wasted on all of you!

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