Monday, October 31, 2005

She kicked my dog, and now I'm going to fuck her.


I got a new site counter. It's sign language this time. I don't know how long it will last.

The fire alarm went off a while ago. I just sat here. The fireguy went to the place next door and started yelling. I was somewhat fearful that he might come over here. I think I'm in the clear now.

Blaine and Bertoli spent the night with me last night. They slept well. I slept on my shelf. It had been a while, but it was nice. My chest was hurting a whole lot when I woke up yesterday. I guessed it was from lying on my side on my futon with my class-4 armor. It hurt to move and breathe. But that's all better now.

The contest from my last post is over. Blaine won. It actually was in my blog. I guess I was just looking too hard.

I completed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 the other day. I unlocked everyone and all the cheats. I didn't unlock the bitch, but that's fine. I'm still done.

Don't cry, bitch.

I'm thinking about starting a dream blog. Leave me a comment if you really think I should.


St. Stefan said...

Sure is a lot of walkin'.

St. Stefan said...

i can't believe you would say that, i can't go on not knowings who slevin's dad is.... and i'm NEVER WATCHING UNCLE AWESOME AGAIN!

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