Friday, May 05, 2006

Homo One More 'gain

I come home yessirday. Got my TV hooked up. Hold on. Let me take a picture. No. Never mind. Fuck you. You wanna see it, you can come have a peek.

I'm in the middle of cleaning up my hard drive. This means I'll be quicker to do stuff.


I've got a paper to scan. I'll put the normal version up, so you can copy and paste it to all your friends. I want the actual paper in here so you kids can see the comments Kevin left me.

I'll also put my other paper on here. I won't be able to put the one I turned in on here, because I don't have it, and I won't be getting it back.

My brother is getting emoer and emoer every day. Yessirday, he broke things in my mother and father's room with a hockey stick. He wouldn't tell them what he broke, so I kept making comments about him breaking stuff with a hockey stick. My parents didn't like me doing that, because my brother might try to shave his wrists.

Milk smells like Oreo. I don't know why, but it's kinda gross.

I asked my brother what he broke when we were alone, and he told me he was throwing the volleyball around our room and hit the closet door.

I finished Prince Caspian last night. I was supposed to make an outline for Zach the other night, but I ended up nearly being raped at the lake in Rockville.

I had let Rachelle borrow some of my great DVDs I picked up. Somethin' like The Matrix. I was worried that she would lose something. She didn't. But she did let a girl she hates borrow one of the disks, and that girl lost it. Thank you, Rachel. Goodbye, "Family Guy" Volume One, Disk Four.

I think I'm gonna end it with that.

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