Monday, October 31, 2005

She kicked my dog, and now I'm going to fuck her.


I got a new site counter. It's sign language this time. I don't know how long it will last.

The fire alarm went off a while ago. I just sat here. The fireguy went to the place next door and started yelling. I was somewhat fearful that he might come over here. I think I'm in the clear now.

Blaine and Bertoli spent the night with me last night. They slept well. I slept on my shelf. It had been a while, but it was nice. My chest was hurting a whole lot when I woke up yesterday. I guessed it was from lying on my side on my futon with my class-4 armor. It hurt to move and breathe. But that's all better now.

The contest from my last post is over. Blaine won. It actually was in my blog. I guess I was just looking too hard.

I completed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 the other day. I unlocked everyone and all the cheats. I didn't unlock the bitch, but that's fine. I'm still done.

Don't cry, bitch.

I'm thinking about starting a dream blog. Leave me a comment if you really think I should.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy Birthday, Justin Schmitt

Justin Schmitt turns twenty today.

I called him at 8:30 this morning. He was asleep, but he woke up to say hi.
Here is his cell: 317-512-0890.
Make sure you and everyone you know call and wish him a happy birthday.

Something Worthwhile

Crazy parallels are always popping up in my life. They occur all the away, and it makes me wonder if it happens to other people. I don't think it does. It's just something about being me.

Here's what happened yesterday. I was sitting at my computer, typing something, I think. I was either typing something to someone or for something. I was typing something about myself.

Blaire: I enjoy...
Josh: I enjoy long walks on the asphalt.
Blaire: I enjoy long walks on the water!

That is what I ended up typing. The water one. And I probably would have never thought about it again.

But I did think about it again. It all happened when I went here.

My brother created this profile just a few short hours ago. At the bottom of his interests, he notes that he enjoys long walks on the water. Go ahead, have a look for yourself. You can't make this stuff up. It's what dreams are made of.

If anyone knows what I typed this in, let me know. Be the first one to figure it out, and I will give you a reward of dinner, hot sex and possibly a long walk on the water.

My next blog needs to be about my interview and Uncle Mark. Don't let me forget.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Panic Attack! At the Greenhouse

I really like this whole idea of having big song titles. I really like the ones Panic! At the Disco has. That is why some of them are in my info right now. I see something I like, and I put it in my info. Panic! and Fall Out Boy have a way with lyrics that I'm not used to. That's why I find the two to be so intriguing. Making noises and shit. Hell yeah. That's what I think. But I guess I'll be going to the Nintendo Fusion Tour on November 18th, and I wish I had a car so I could go to more dates, but I don't, so I won't. I need to check to see if anyone has left me a donation, because I'm starting to need some money.

I'll be posting some pics from my sister's birthday party on here someday. But I have a paper due in geography tomorrow, so I'll probably just do that shit today and do other shit tomorrow. You know, see what happens.

If anyone wants to buy me the Panic! At the Disco CD, just let me know. It's only ten dollars at Fueled by Ramen dot Com.

That's about it. Everyone have a good day, and don't forget to brush your teeth.

I Broke the Damn

A - Age - 18

B - Band listening to right now - Panic! At the Disco

C - Crush - Julia

D - Dad's name - Brentie

E - Easiest person to talk to - Girl Person

F - Favorite ice cream - Cafeteria

G - Gummy worms or gummy bears - Gummy worms make my anus itch.

H - Hometown - Shelbyville

I - Instruments - Well, I used to pretty much kick as at piano, but then I quit that shit. Then I was first chair alto sax for a while, and I quit. Then I was okay with a guitar, but I got tired of tuning it.

J - Junior high - Shelbyville Middle School

K - Kids - Medium-rare

L - Longest car ride ever - I don't know. There have been plenty of long ones. Probably about 10 inches.

M - Moms Name - Dawn Noel

N - Nickname[s] - Bleward, Sean Hudson, Krista, Dipshit

O - One wish - To be God.

P - Phobia[s] - Death, big groups of people not looking at me, being alone

Q - Quote - "I'm frozen, and you're dead. And I love you."

R - Reason to smile - No reason.

S - Song you sang last - We Hate Rebecca

T - Time you woke up today- Well, 4:07 a.m.

U - Unknown fact about me - I enjoy long walks on the water.

V - Vegetable[s] you hate - Vaginal secretions.

W - Worst habit - Masturbation

X - X-rays you've had - Head

Y - Years since you've been to church - One? Two? Somewhere thereabouts.

Z - Zodiac sign - AIDS

Do you see? Do you see!?

These are supposedly 25 questions that no one would ever think to ask.

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing that you look at?

My Hair or My Class-4

2. How much cash do you have on you?

$ o00.00

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?


4. Favorite plant?

Cannabis Sativa

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

Blaine the Mono

6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?

Sugar, We're Goin' Down

7. What shirt are you wearing?

Bare Class-4

8. Do you "label" yourself?

No. I label others.

9. Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?


1o. Bright or Dark Room?


11. Ever "spilled the beans"?

Yeah. It was such a mess. My mom wouldn't let me eat until I got them all cleaned out of the carpet.

12. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?


13. What were you doing at midnight last night?


14. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?

What was that song by Panic! At the disco called

15. Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?


16. What's a saying that you say a lot?


17. Who told you they loved you last?

I'm not sure. It's been a while. Maybe my sister.

18. Last furry thing you touched?

My Penis

19. How many hours a week do you work?

Depends on how much I sleep.

2o. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?


21. Favorite age you have been so far?

Well, I know it's not thirty. I haven't been thirty yet.
Probably 25.

22. Your worst enemy?


23. What is your current desktop picture?

Sycamore Sam and Me

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?

Shut up, dickfart.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?

I'll get back to you just as soon as you finish your goddamn sentence.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005



So, I went home from school a long time ago. This was my first time back. It was a little while ago. While I was home, I picked up a bunch of my rare Fall Out Boy stuff, including my third copy of From Under the Cork Tree. I left my 7" vinyl there, because I don't have anything to use it with here. I remember how much fun smoking was before I was eighteen. I'm gonna hate turning twenty-one. I grabbed some books and my Sega Dreamcast. It had been such a long time since I had last played my Sega. I was expecting it to be not a lot of fun, but I was very wrong. I spent countless hours playing Sonic Adventure 2 and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. I pretty mush just blew thru Sonic, and that. I was somewhat upset because I forgot to bring Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 back with me. Then I started to play Sonic Adventure. Then I went home to get my other Tony Hawk disk. I played thru the game a few times, and then the Lees rented Tony Hawk's American Wasteland for Nintendo Gamecube. I've mainly been playing that. It's still here. It's a lot different, but classic mode has some levels from the original. That was pretty neat. I am so hungry. Just look at how hungry I am.

I noticed that my new hit counter stopped working when I looked at this shit that other night. I guess they all like to forget that I have an account on their website. Oh, well. Anyway. I've really grown to like Google. They have all sorts of helpful tools and shit.

I read The Da Vinci Code a while back. I wanted to make sure I had it read by the time the movie came out, and I have "succeeded admirably." It was great fun, and I suggest everyone read it and take it as fact. I saw the program on The History Channel. Don't tell me what I know is false.

I plan to start writing tremendous amounts of poetry again. I know Blaine will appreciate that. I also intend to find my gay rights paper and edit it, so I can post that guy on here for everyone to enjoy.

I'll be back sometime...maybe.

Holy shit.

I just realized it is my sister's birthday.

I am not too sure how old she is.
Everyone needs to call her and wish her a happy birthday.
Ask for Ashley.
Don't call before 3:00, because she'll still be in school.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Revival of the Fattest

I have chosen to bring my blog back to life. Don't get too excited, you guys. This post is all I'm bringing it back for.

But let's make a list of things I would like to blog about if I really were bringing it back.

Brandon Lee
Kyle Hensley
Cory Hensley
Not Blaine
Tony Hawk
Good Times with Weapons
The Second Half of Season Nine
Sean Hudson
Coach Guell
I Forgot to Give Ross those DVDs.
Tokyo Sam
The Whole Quote and Talking thing Last Night
Head Problems
Anything I've Written
Me Being Funny
Fat People
Dead People
Bad Religion
People I Hate
People that Should Die
President Bush
Scott McClellen
The Fall Out Boys
Clinton Coffey
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