Monday, May 16, 2005


This post is far from done.

Hi. I'm Blaire. This is a picture of me about eight months ago. I am holding some awards I got for my accomplishments throughout the cross country season. I am not that small anymore. I now have a nice layer of class-4 armor. My hair is now a great deal shorter as well.

That's my brother, Brandon Kyle, on the left with his tennis participation award. We are lying on the cafeteria floor at our school.

I'm here with my family.

Blaire, Alex Miller, Zach Fox, done running the race guy, good job.

Coach man was quite proud of us that day.

Stephanie and I were supposed to dance, but Stephanie acted like she needed to talk to me about something, and she just said that because she didn't want to dance, because she can't dance, so we just sat down, and she started talking about some stupid shit, and Lindsay Conner took a picture and gave it to me at school the following week.

I got this guy and a keychain. And guess what. I didn't even want one of those fuckin XXXXXXXXXXL t-shirts, so suck my balls.

I was counting some tallying some freshman survey stuff for Audrey Brown in squib (our school's yearbook) the other day, and I came across this guy. I thought it was pretty funny. Do you see it? It's funny.

This is from the senior packet we had to fill out for squib. Every senior was asked to fill one of these out. I had to make some adjustments to mine before turning it in, so I decided to scan it before i did so, so I could always remember it how it was. The answers I put. I would have gotten in trouble for having them on there. No joke. I kick ass.

Wesley Flemming. Now, there's a character. You probably won't get what is so great about this one unless you know Wesley. As a matter of fact, I saw the responses on this and thought is seemed like Wesley material. I was not at all surprised when I looked at the top of the paper and saw his name. Wesley is a very small little bitch. He has a wonderfully dry sense of humor. I could go on for days, but no.

This beautiful piece of art should really be closer to the top.

So, we were in AP bio the other day, dissecting pig hearts and stuff. While everyone was hard at work, I was fingerpainting...with pig blood. It was fun as shit. I showed it to many people. Most were scared. All were happy to know how awesome I was.

Cross Country Camp, Summer 2003. That is Zack Attack on the left. Jon Lee is in the middle, while I am on the right with my really short hair. You need to recca-nize.

Correction: This picture is from the state track meet we went--it's so fucking hot, I wish my parents believed in air conditioning--to, because Sean Hudson ran and finished fourth (?) in the 1600. He was seeded seventh and we caught about 800 cicaidas in a bottle. They died later on. I kept the bottle in my room, and it started to expand over time. Stefan came over and twisted the lid in my room, and it made the whole house smell like shit. My dad later threw the bottle away. This picture takes place about two years after my original claim. Sorry for the mix-down.

Do you guys remember this? Sectional. Stephanie came. She was just plain bad luck.

I just thought of something funny:

-do you have an umbrella?
-yeah, let me get it

I spent most of my time over there, talking about Lees and their penises and other good stuff.

Danny Nuthak bought Stephanie some popcorn, and they fell in love and had sex on the bleachers.

I ran. Josh is over there too.


Chris Reeve is a good friend of mine. said...

change me?

Anonymous said...

Hey Blaire

good site,
Yeah gay XL prize, that was retarted

You should turn in the pigs blood as an art thing next year!

anyway c u in theory
and Visit my Xanga

Anonymous said...

i did not have sexual relations with that was about 10 inches, though... one might say i was overdressed for the occasion, but we all know i looked H-O-T-T HOT :)

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