Sunday, December 05, 2004

Thesaurus Sounds like a Type of Dinosaur

I like this. Making a blog is a good way to keep your mind from wandering. When your mind isn't wandering, life is a lot less stessful when you aren't thinking about stuff.

My username on this guy is JohnWKerry. That is why all of my posts are signed, Chris Reeve is a good friend of mine, and it's funny.

I finished off the roast beef last night, so now I just have a bunch of cheese and bread.

The slumber party thing didn't work out. Amanda never called me back to tell me what her mom said. I tried to call her a few times, but she didn't answer her phone. I called Polly to see if she would wanna come to my slumber party, but I guess she wanted to play video games with her parents instead. Oh well. Maybe next time. What? Is that like finding Jesus or something?

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