Saturday, March 19, 2005

Executive Producers

I'm sitting here, watching How's your News? on my little sister's portable DVD player. This is supposed to be a funny movie. It's a documentary where a bunch of retarded travel around the U.S., interviewing people about stuff and stuff. I wanted to get this movie a long time ago, but I assumed it didn't really exist.

Something bad happened to my IT band the other day, and I haven't been able to run for the past few days.

Kellie subbed for Miss Couden the other day.

I drew a picture of Megan for Ben.

Did I already say that?

I went to see the Ring 2 with Kaitlyn Clark and Sean Pudson and Jon Lee last night. I enjoyed myself. We walked to Taco Bell, where we saw Kyle DeWitte. We went to my house, and then I ate a bunch of stuff and went to bed.

My dad took me to get some new shoes today. We went to Best Buy and he bought me Anchorman and How's your News?.

This movie is starting to piss me off, and someone owes me a picture.

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