Thursday, February 03, 2005

Poor Nanna

I went to school today. I talked to Zip.

I went to AP Bio. We had a big AP Bio orgy. I talked to Mr. Lux.

I went to English. I talked to Ben. I pulled out my story, "Cotton Candy" or Cotton Candy (that all depends what I end up doing with it, I guess), and i gave it to Ben. Ben read it and passed each page to Ross as he read thru each. Ross then read each page, passing them on to Kendra. They all read and enjoyed the story. I read certain parts of it, and it reminded me of how awesome I am at writing. Well, they all told me to keep writing it, and I think I will. I'm feeling up to the challenge. Kendra asked me if she could borrow it, because she wanted to show it to Brian Kolls. I told her I would make a copy for her, but I don't really feel like doing that at the moment. Sorry, Charlie.

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